Kamis, 29 April 2010

Shu Uemura pressed eyeshadow

  • IR GREEN 512
  • IR BLUE 645
  • ME SILVER 945
These are the older packaging, the lighter plastic thingy

All have been used around 3-4x

USD 18

Selling for Rp. 80.000,- each

2 komentar:

  1. hi dear, are P Purple 05B & ME SILVER 945 still available? condition per today?

    please send invoice to anyabeaute@gmail.com, i'm located in jakarta.


  2. I want to buy these:
    IR GREEN 512
    IR BLUE 645
    ME SILVER 945
    please send an invoice to dehaeen2ye@yahoo.com, I'm in Surabaya. Thanks.
